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tricks and new meta after the Viper Commandos war bonus and what weapons are worth unlocking

We talk to you about the three weapons that can be unlocked from the Viper Commando war bonus in Helldivers 2, although only one of them is essential.

When new weapons are included in titles like helldivers 2 There may be countless doubts about what the new Goals are and what parameters each of them has to take advantage of them.

With the arrival of the war bonus viper commands helldivers 2 we have a series of weapons that are more or less worth unlocking.

We are going to talk to you exactly about the three viper commandos war bonus weapons for Helldivers 2 so that you can get them from the first opportunity, and we already tell you that some of them are Meta.

Helldivers 2: tricks and new meta after the war bonus Viper Commandos and what weapons are worth unlocking

Tips and tricks to keep in mind

  • The behemoths have been upgraded in the update, and you could use the railgun, eagle strafing, or Gatlin orbital bombardment to take them out, including the flamethrower.
  • Likewise, you have to work as a team, always improving communication, between all your teammates, to be able to use the anti-tank rounds well and use the railgun to remove the armor from the behemoth’s legs.
  • In addition, the flamethrower is perfect as an anti-titan weapon and the heavy machine gun is recommended due to its greater benefit after the update.
  • However, the heavy machine gun has high damage and has improved reload speed, making it powerful against robots.
  • The purifying weapon’s potential is also recommended, although you need to make a small damage buff for it to be effective.
  • It is advisable to bot missions if no one else brings a grenade launcher, it is good to equip one because you can end up taking out groups of enemies quickly.
  • On the other hand, and not to be missed, the grenade gun has also been improved after the latest patch.

New weapons to unlock

AR-23A Liberator Carbine

The AR-23A Liberator Carbine is a compact version of the Liberator and is designed for maximum versatility.

It has a higher rate of fire at the cost of greater dispersion. In parameters it has a damage of 60, capacity of 45, recoil 26, and firing speed of 920.

It comes with a flashlight and three firing speed options and the bad thing is that you can’t change the scope zoom.

It has up to seven magazines, which gives a total of 315 shots. It is good for smaller enemy types, but performs less well with medium and large ones.

The truth is that it looks more like an SMG than an assault rifle with a very fast rate of fire. It’s not that it is a bad weapon, but I consider it to be below other assault rifles.

SG-22 Bushwhacker Secondary Shotgun

The secondary shotgun and you can even configure it to fire all three barrels at the same time. As parameters damage 405, capacity 3 and recoil 170.

It is ideal against automatons. Obviously, you should switch to three-shot mode for large enemies, and not use it for small ones.

This is a secondary weapon, ideal for when you run out of ammo on your main weapon.

K-2 knife

Finally, we go with the throwing knife, which has no statistics or absolutely any special traits, and the worst of all is that it is not very worth it.

You also won’t be able to pick up knives once they’re on the ground or from dead enemies, so it doesn’t make much sense. On top of that, it takes away a slot for grenades, so we only recommend it to try it out and little else.

It is also not stealthy as the description suggests, because all enemies are alerted when used.

In this way, the three weapons that are most worth the viper commandos war bonus are also nothing out of this world compared to the ones we already have.

Are you playing Helldivers 2? In that case, take a look at these guides: 5 things that the game doesn’t tell you and are very useful, How to play with friends and add companionseither How to unlock new weapons in the title.

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